🌳 Saving Rainforests

"With each order you place on our store, you're helping to save 🌳🌳🌳100 Sq. Mts of rainforest  and thousands of animals 🐼🐝🐵 that live within"


To learn more about Makondo Pets' Environmental Impact, click on the following image.

Makondo Pets Sustainability Certified


How does it work?

We have teamed up with One Tribe Global, an initiative that focuses in the conservation of rainforests around the world. So, every time you purchase through our website, we donate to help save trees in endangered forests worldwide.

Specifically, with each order you make from Makondo Pets, you help to save 5 trees from being cut down. 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳

This helps fight the climate crisis by reducing Co2 in our atmosphere and instantly improving the carbon footprint of your purchase. Also, keep in mind that protecting rainforest protects the animals within it! That's a double high-five! 🐵🐯🐜🐸🐦🐼🐝

🌳 Saving Rainforests
On average, 100 square meters contain 5 trees and thousands of animals! 


How many trees have we saved so far? 


Why protect rainforest rather than plant more trees?

Rainforests are the lungs of our planet, the natural solution to climate change that remove and store CO2 from our atmosphere. Your purchases made at www.makondopets.com directly help protect them.

According to the UN we have until 2030 to avoid a climate meltdown. Planting a tree in 2021 absorb 53.1 kilos of carbon by 2030. 🌎 On the other hand, you can protect 100 square metres of rainforest , which will absorb 975 kilos of carbon (0.975 Metric Tonnes) in the same period.

That's 18 Times more Co2 absorbed.🌱

All the products on our website are: 

rainforest saver makondo pets

Meaning that no matter what you purchase, you're helping to save trees in rainforests around the world. 


How does One Tribe protect rainforest?

One Tribe connects Makondo Pets directly to rainforest protection charities through the platform so every sale can directly donate and protect rainforests and the indigenous tribes and biodiversity that call them home. The rainforest charities then fund on-the-ground projects to save and continually protect the land.

Thank you so much for being with us in this Planet-Protection journey!!! 


Makondo Pets + You (the pet parent): Together we're helping to protect Mother Earth!
Colorful toucan perched on a branch.

🌳Saving Rainforests

Each time you buy through our website, we donate to help save trees (and the animals that live within them) in endangered forests worldwide. This helps fight the climate crisis by reducing Co2 in our atmosphere.
Sea turtle swimming amidst plastic bottles.

🌊 Plastic-Free

“Only about 9% of plastic bottles are recycled; the other 91% end up polluting the planet” By purchasing alternatives to single-use plastics (such as our plastic-free solutions), you help address this problem.
Bernese Mountain Dog holding a blue plastic bottle.

♻️ Recycle-Reuse-Compost

Our pouches and bags are 100% compostable. The paper and cardboard used in the boxes, labels and marketing materials are fully recyclable. We encourage you to reuse/repurpose our pet-inspired art box.


We need your help! This journey towards sustainability cannot be a solitary one. If you come up with a useful idea, share it with us, we'd love to hear it!