Pet Names. Ideal for your new puppy or kitten.
Maybe among your plans, you have thought to be a pet parent, but how will you name it?
Here are a number of name suggestions (with their meanings) for fun and loveable names for pets of any size, shape or color, ideal for your new puppy or kitten.
Acrobat - one who performs gymnastic feats, is your pet athletic?
Addy - one who is concerned in an act or action
Aero - of the air
Airy - of or pertaining to the air
Ajax - in the Illiad: the son of Teleman and the bravest of all the Greeks
Allure - that which attracts or entices
Ally - any friendly associate or helper
Alpha - the beginning or first of anything
Amber - a reddish yellow
Amour - a love affair
Amulet - a charm
Angel - a heavenly guardian
Apricot - a reddish yellow color; fruit
Arabesque - a ballet position, is your pet graceful?
Aria - an elaborate solo for a single voice
Ariel - an African gazelle
Arrow - from Middle English “arewe” meaning ‘arrow-like one’
Arty - creative: of the arts
Atlas - a Titan supporting the pillars of heaven on his shoulders
Audio - of or pertaining to characteristics associated with sound waves
Auto - self propelled
Autumn - the third season of the year
Avant-Garde - those who support the most recent trends
Baby - an infant
Bangles - from Hindu “bangri” meaning a bracelet or anklet.
Batik - a process for coloring fabrics to obtain multi-colored designs
Bauble - a showy trinket
Bazooka - a tubular missile weapon that fires an explosive rocket
Beacon - something that serves as a conspicuous warning or guide
Bear - from Old English “brun”; ‘brown-haired one’
Beauty - a special grace or charm
Biscuit - from Middle English “bisquite”, twice-baked bread.
Blackberry - black fruit of certain rose family
Blackjack - a card game
Blade - a rakish young man; wild, reckless fellow
Blaze - to burn brightly; to blare forth
Bliss - heavenly joy
Blitz - to attack with sudden overwhelming force
Blossom - a flower
Blue - devoted, faithful as in “true-blue”
Bogie - famous actor, as in Humphrey Bogart
Bolero - Spanish dance usually accompanied by castanets
Bon-Bon - a sugared candy
Boogie-Woogie – a style of jazz
Boomer - one who pushes a boom; one who is active in promoting
Boots - pet with white paws
Boss - an employer or director or work for others
Bounce - a bounding or elastic motion
Bravo - well done; good
Buckwheat - a plant yielding triangular seeds used as folder and for flour
Bud - a term of direct address (also Buddy)
Buffoon - a clown
Buffy - a yellowish or grayish color
Buttercup - yellow cup-shaped flower
Butterscotch - candy or extract made with sugar, butter and flavoring
Button - a fastener (or ‘as cute as a button’)
Calypso - a type of song originally improvised and sung by natives of Trinidad
Candy - sugar or molasses crystallized by evaporation
Captain - one at the head or command of others
Caramel - a confection variously colored and flavored composed of sugar
Cat-Nip - an aromatic herb of the mint family of which cats are especially fond
Cato - name of two Roman statesmen
Cavalier - gallant, haughty
C’est la Vie - ‘that is life’
Champion - one who fights on behalf of another
Chaos - a condition of confusion
Chap - a fellow
Charcoal - black, porous substance
Charisma - one who has grace and is able to obtain favors
Chase - to pursue with intent (also Chaser)
Chenille - soft, fluffy type of yarn
Chocolate - cacao nuts roasted, ground, sweetened and flavored
Cinders - from Middle English, cinder means ‘ashy one’; in a pet, the purplish, gray of ashes
Cinderella - heroine of a Fairy Tale
Cinnamon - a spice, a shade of light, reddish brown
Cocoa - a powder made from cacoa, a beverage; with a chocolatey taste
Coquette - a flirt
Crumpet - from Middle English, ‘crompid’ meaning a ‘curled-up cake’.
Daffodil - flower name
Dandy - a particularly fine specimen of its kind
Dapper - trim, neat, smartly dressed
Darling - one tenderly loved
Dart - a pointed missile such as a javelin or arrow
Dash - impetuosity, spirited, vigor
Dawn - beginning or unfolding
Dazzle - for a pet with a sparkling personality
Dingle - as in the sound of a bell or telephone
Ditto - the same thing repeated or copied
Dolly - child’s word for doll
Doodle - to draw pictures abstractly
Dot - a speck, point or spot; also Dotty
Duke - ranking above a marquis or bishop
Dumpling - originally meant ‘little lump’; could mean short or fat or ‘precious darling’
Ebony - a hard, heavy wood usually black
Echo - a close imitation
Éclair - pastry shell filled with custard or whipped cream
Edgy - brought out sharply
Ember - from Middle English ‘eyemore’ and means ‘fiery one’
Emery - used as an abrasive
Emmy - statuette awarded annually for exceptional performance and production in television
Einstein - name for an extraordinarily intelligent pet
Fidget - name for a restless or impatient pet
Flash - to break forth with light or fire suddenly or briefly
Flashback - a break in continuity
Fiddles - a musical instrument or one who cannot sit still
Flora - a feminine, personal name having to do with nature and flowers
Frizzle - blend of ‘fry’ and ‘sizzle’
Frou-Frou - affected elegance
Freaky - strange or unusual
Fuzzy - covered with a soft covering or fuzz
Gabby - given to talk
Galahad - the purest knight of the Round Table in Arthurian legend
Galore - abundant
Garcon - a boy or waiter
Gemini - the twins in the Zodiac
Giblet - as in the stuffings from a turkey
Gimlet - a cocktail with lime juice, to bore into something, piercing
Ginger - spicy root stock of a tropical plant, a reddish-brown color
Gin Gin - a colorless alcoholic drink or a card game
Ginkgo - a Chinese tree with fan-shaped leaves
Gipsy - wandering, bohemian
Godfrey - masculine, personal name
Grant - to give permission, a request
Grits - has connotation of ‘courageous’ and ‘plucky’
Grizzly - grayish, somewhat gray
Grumbles - to mutter
Gusto - keen enjoyment (for an enthusiastic pet, full of vitality)
Guy - slang for fellow
Haggis - a Scottish dish like a sausage made from a sheep’s stomach
Handy - useful, convenient or skillful, good to have around
Hardy - robust, courageous or daring
Harlow - a famous movie star named Jean Harlow
Harmony - friendly agreement, a pleasing combination of sounds, notes sung or played together
Harvey - a masculine name, also the name of an invisible rabbit in a famous movie starring Jimmy Stewart
Haywood - a masculine name, or the last name of a famous movie star Rita Haywood
Hazel - color of a hazelnut shell
Hemmingway - a literary name after Ernest Hemmingway
Henna - varying from reddish-orange to coppery-brown; from an oriental shrub or small tree
Henry - a personal, masculine name
Hercules - in Greek mythology renowned for his strength and endurance
Hero - distinguished fro valor, fortitude or bold enterprise
Hodge-Podge - a jumbled mixture
Hoopla - means a gay or rowdy commotion (for a feisty pet)
Hors d’oevres - an appetizer
Huey - from the famous cartoon duck trio of ‘Huey, Duey and Luey’
Hula - a native Hawaiian dance
Humphrey - a personal, masculine name
Imp - mischievous
Indie - independent; also could be from the Indiana Jones movies
I.Q. - intelligence (for a particularly smart or intelligent pet)
Itsy-Bitsy - baby talk for ‘little bit’ (could be used for a tiny pet or ironically for a large one)
Ivory - almost white
Jabber - chatter or talking excessively
Jangles - from Middle English; means ‘one who babbles or chatters’
Jazz - originated by New Orleans musicians
Jig-Saw - like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, pieces that fit together
Jugs - large container for liquids, a prison or jail
Ju -Jube a lozenge or candy
Junk - trash, rubbish, cheap stuff
Juno - Roman mythology, wife of Jupiter
Keno - a game of chance
Kismet - fate or destiny; from Turkish ‘kismet’ literally means ones ‘portion’ or ‘lot’
Kit Kat - a chocolate bar
Lily - any of numerous liliaceous plants, type of flower
Lingo - slang language
Longfellow - literally means ‘tall fellow’; also the name of an American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Lu Lu - Swahili name meaning ‘a pearl’
Lunar - pertaining to the moon
Luxe - superfine quality, luxury
Lyric - lyric poem with a musical quality, a song verse
Macaroon - a dumpling or small cake (good for a small, sweet pet)
Macrame - knotted work
Magic - supernatural art
Max - a masculine name
Maya - mother of the world
Merlin - the magician in Arthurian legend
Mew Mew - plaintive sound of a cat
Mica - colorless to jet-black silicates
Mischief - a calamity; tendency for naughty behavior (for a pet full of spunk)
Midget - anything very small of its kind
Midnight - dark; middle of the night
Missy - a female name or term of address for a girl often expressing affection (or even reprimand)
Mishmash - a jumble or hodge-podge (a good name for a mutt)
Mister - title of address
Mon Cher - French for ‘my dear’
Morning Star - any of the planets Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, or especially Venus, when rising shortly before the Sun
Morris - famous tiger-orange cat, a masculine name
Mosaic - inlaid work composing of bits of stone or glass forming a pattern or picture
Mouser - an animal that catches mice
Mozart - Austrian composer of music
Muffin - cakes or dessert baked in small, cup-shaped tins
Mugs - to make faces
Munchkin - character from the Wizard of Oz, small person
Mystic - of mysterious meaning or character
Mystique - enigmatic character of a person, idea or thing
Napoleon - as in Napoleon Bonaparte
Nehru - an Indian nationalist leader
Nemesis - avenger, an unbeatable rival
Neo - a new or recent development, formation, modification or type
Neutron - electronically neutral subatomic particle
Nettles - a plant covered with stinging or spiky hairs
Newton - English philosopher and scientist
Nick-Nack - a trinket
Nippy - sharp or biting (or also Nipper)
Nightmare - a frightening dream, a horrifying event
Nightingale - a songbird, or as in Florence Nightingale the British nurse and hospital reformer
Nimbus - a surrounding radiance or circle of light
Nimrod - a hunter, or a dumb person
Noble - of high hereditary rink, showing greatness
Noggin - a small mug or cup, head
Noodles - Middle English for ‘nodle’ or a ninny or simpleton, a pasta made with flour and eggs
Nook - a corner, or a quiet secluded spot
Nonillion - a number represented by the figure one followed by 30 zeroes
Nosey - inquisitive, prying
Nugget - like a gold nugget or piece (for a precious or golden-haired pet)
Oatmeal - porridge (good for a pet with a light beige color)
Ocher - mineral oxides of iron, sand and clay with a moderate orange yellow color
Odin - a Norse god
Oodles - lots
Oopsie - used when making a mistake
Opal - from Sanskrit ‘upala’ meaning a jewel or hydrous silica
Opus - a musical composition or creative work
Opie - a male name; also from an old Andy Griffith T.V. show
Oracle - a prophecy made at a shrine
Orion - a constellation on the celestial equator
Oscar - green, furry grouch who lives in a garbage can on the children’s show, Sesame Street
Pace - a step in walking progress made in one such movement
Paisley - resembling a certain pattern made in a distinctive design or paisley, a suburb of Glasgow, Scotland
Patches - pieces of color or cloth (name often given to a spotted pet or one of varying colors)
Penny - one cent, money
Pepper - a pungent aromatic condiment, spice; usually a grayish-black color
Peso - monetary unit of Cuba, Phillipines, Mexico and certain other Latin countries
Petite - (Mon-Petite) meaning little in French
Pickles - as in ‘in a pickle’ or predicament; a condiment made from vegetables and vinegar
Pogo - a stick that hops, a stilt-like toy that propels one to hop
Polo - game played on horseback
Pom Pom - a small tufted ball used as a cheerleader’s accessory or attached to hats, shoes or other articles of clothing
Pot Luck - whatever may chance to be in the pot (another good name for a mutt)
Pouf - a hair arrangement in high rolled puffs
Puddles - a small pool
Puff - a puffball, from Middle English ‘puffe’ meaning ‘puff-like one’ (good for a furry pet)
Pumpkin - a vegetable of an orange color typically used at Thanksgiving or Halloween
Queen - or Queenie, wife of a King
Quirky - one with a peculiar mannerism, eccentric
Quiz - the act of questioning
Quentin - masculine name
Rascal - a trickster, someone who behaves mischievously
Rags - tattered remnants
Ragamuffin - a vagabond or a neglected child
Ramble - to walk about freely
Red - of a bright color
Rembrandt - a famous Dutch painter
Ritzy - smart, elegant, classy
Rocky - a Sylvestor Stallone character as in the ‘Rocky’ movies, a fighter
Roque - one who is innocently mischevious or playful
Rollick - frolicsome manner
Romeo - a Shakespearian character in love with Juliet
Ruffian - one who exhibits rough behavior
Ruffles - means ‘vexing one’ (for a rambunctious pet)
Rumba - a frenzied dance
Rummage - stirring up, to search through
Rumples - meaning to wrinkle
Rumpus - wrangle, a disturbance or outcry
Rusty - reddish or yellow coating on metal
Sandy - color of sand, yellowish to red
Scamp - a rascal
Scrabble - to scratch at something, to climb over something, or struggle to get something, in a scrambling effort
Scrappy - given to picking fights
Smudges - a dirty mark, an indistinct area, smoke or fire
Socks - a soft foot covering (popular for a pet with white paws resembling socks)
Snuggles - cuddle up or get close to someone (for a pet who likes to cuddle)
Sweetie - also Sweetums, as with sugar, sweet (for a lovable pet)
Sunshine - light from the Sun, any cheering influence
Tabby - a mottled or black with grayish striped cat
Tabitha - female, personal name
Taboo - something forbidden or banned
Tadpole - a larval stage of a frog or toad
Taffy - confection made with brown sugar or molasses
Tag - a children’s game, or something used for identification purposes
Tally - a reckoning or a score
Tango - a Latin-American ballroom dance
Tantrum - a fit of bad temper
Tapioca - a starch made from the cassava root used in thickening sauces, puddings, soups, etc.
Tarantula - a big black hairy spider capable of inflicting a nasty and painful bite
Target - anything aimed or fired at, something to test accuracy
Tassel - a bunch of loose threads held together at one end and used as a decoration on cushions
Tennyson - an English poet
Terror - intense overpowering fear (good for a particularly naughty pet)
Teuton - an ancient Chinese people
Thackeray - an English novelist
Theo - a god or gods
Tinker Bell - the little Fairy from ‘Peter Pan’ (for a tiny, delicate pet)
Tiny - very small, minute, wee
T.N.T. - dynamite, blustery, explosive
Ulysses - hero of Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ (for an adventurous pet who like to travel)
Underdog - one who is expected to lose a contest or battle
Urchin - a small mischievious boy or scamp
Usher - one who acts as a doorkeeper, as in a court or other assembly room
Utopia - any place of perfection, an idealistic goal or concept for social and political reform
Valiant - possessing courage or valor
Vamp - a seductive woman
Vandal - one who destroys or defaces property
Vanguard - the foremost position in an army or fleet
Varlet - a rascal or roque
Velvet - soft material (good name for a pet with fur as soft as velvet)
Velcro - a fastener
Venus - the second planet from the Sun, or the Roman goddess of love
Veteran - one of long experience in a given area
Viceroy - a governor of a country
Viking - a Scandinavian mariner
Vishnu - in Hinduism, the second member of the trinity
Waddles - to walk like a duck
Waffles - a breakfast food or a thick light crisp pancake
Waggles - to move back and forth rapidly, a wobbling motion (great name for a happy dog that wags his tail often)
Willow - a type of tree (good for a delicate, slender, supple pet like a Whippet)
Wizard - a sorcerer or magician; someone who is specifically skilled at something
Wobbles - moves erratically from side to side
Wonder - that which arouses awe or admiration
Wordsworth - an English poet
Wrecker - one who destroys things
Wriggles - to turn or twist the body in sinuous motions
Xerox - copy or repeat, copycat
Yeoman - a petty officer who performs clerical duties
Yodeler - a person who sings with a fluctuating voice
Yonkers - a city in south east New York State
Your Majesty - royal title, one with splendor, dignity and power (great for a pet who rules the house)
Yorick - a court jester mentioned in Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’, a clown
Yo-Yo - a fluctuating thing, a toy that moves up and down on a string (a good name for an energetic pet)
Zeppelin - a rigid airship with a long, cylindrical body that used gas to rise
Zig Zag - a series of short turns back and forth
Zippy - means full of ‘zip’ or snappy one
Zodiac - a band of celestial spheres that represent the path of the planets
Zombie - a creature reanimated from a dead body created from voodoo
Zulu - a member of a South African Nation